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Investigation of endurance degradation for 3-D charge trap NAND flash memory with bandgap-engineered tunneling oxide


Jongwoo Kim, Hyungjun Jo, Yonggyu Cho, Hyunyoung Shim, Jaesung Sim, and Hyungcheol Shin

저널 정보

IEICE Electronics Express




In 3-D charge trap (CT) NAND flash memory, program/erase (P/E) cycling tests are performed, and the degradation of cell characteristics is investigated. The mechanism of mid-gap voltage (Vmg) shift difference between erased state and programmed state is presented and it is verified by technology computer-aided design (TCAD) simulation configured identically to the real device. TCAD simulation also makes it possible to extract the trap density through the current fitting. Generation of interface traps (Nit) and bulk traps in the tunneling oxide (Not) has the form of a power-law of the number of P/E cycles. Furthermore, it is experimentally found that the degradation of cell characteristics is mainly caused by hole tunneling current from the poly-silicon channel during erase operation.